Squirrel Organisations


UK Squirrel Accord

The UK Squirrel Accord was created at the invitation of The Prince of Wales to bring a concerted and coordinated approach to securing the future of our native red squirrels and broad-leaf woodlands and to controlling the introduced grey squirrel. It comprises 35 leading conservation, woodland, timber industry, and governmental organisations in the UK.

Red Squirrel Survival Trust

RSST is a national charity established under the patronage of The Prince of Wales to ensure the conservation and protection of the red squirrel in the UK.  RSST, a leading organisation in the UK Squirrel Accord, aims to:
– Protect red squirrels by keeping reds and greys apart.
– Assist the winning reds in areas where red squirrel population numbers have stabilised or are increasing.
– Establish new red colonies across the UK wherever feasible.
– Fund research on how to secure the red squirrel’s long-term future.
– Raise awareness of the plight of reds in the UK.

European Squirrel Initiative

The European Squirrel Initiative was founded in June 2002. Its aim is to create, develop and maintain a campaign to win the support and commitment of governments throughout Europe in securing the future of the red squirrel through the effective control of the grey squirrel.

British Red Squirrel

British Red Squirrel is a forum for all those interested in red squirrel conservation and grey squirrel control, providing an information hub with links to current activity across the British Isles.Working alongside other organisations, British Red Squirrel has a focus on raising awareness of the squirrel situation in the British Isles and helping the general public become involved.  British Red Squirrel is a working project of Red Squirrel South West.

UK and Ireland Squirrels The Grey Area Group

A Facebook group to coordinate Grey Squirrel eradication for the whole of the UK and Ireland and to help preserve the Red Squirrel and to help it regain its territory.


Northern Red Squirrels

NRS is an umbrella group that has been created to unite all independent voluntary groups and individuals who are working to help save our red squirrels from extinction in the North of England. It is a ‘network of voluntary action’ that shares news, ideas and best practice. Each member group remains completely independent to allow it to address issues within its own area in the most appropriate way.

Red Squirrels Northern England

RSNE is a partnership project working to conserve red squirrels in Northern England. Launched by HRH The Prince of Wales in 2011, the project combines and builds on the efforts of previous and current initiatives to protect red squirrels through targeted and strategic action.

Red Squirrel South West

The Red Squirrel South West Project (RSSW) is a charity established by likeminded individuals concerned with protecting British wildlife, with the shared aim to reintroduce the red squirrel throughout the South West of England. During the last 50 years red squirrel populations in the South of England have been reduced to the verge of extinction, with the only remaining colonies found on Brownsea Island, Tresco and the Isle of Wight, unable to currently live on the mainland.


Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels

Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels is a partnership project, led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, working with local communities to ensure red squirrels will always be a part of Scotland’s special native wildlife. The project is focussed on the areas where red squirrels are most under threat from the spread of the invasive grey squirrel.


Mid Wales Red Squirrel Partnership

The Partnership aims to expand and protect the unique population of red squirrels in mid Wales; one of only three significant red squirrel populations in the whole of Wales. The MWRS Partnership has worked to establish sound baseline information about the red squirrel population in mid Wales, leading to the development of a robust understanding of the work required to conserve the red squirrel in mid Wales.

Red Squirrel Trust Wales

RSTW is firmly committed to dramatically reducing grey squirrel populations in Wales and aims to protect native species and forests which are threatened by the grey squirrel. This includes the rare red squirrel which has been driven close to extinction.The eradication of grey squirrels from Anglesey has heralded the dramatic recovery of the red squirrel population and is a success we want to build upon.

Wales Squirrel Forum: enquiries@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk

The Wales Squirrel Forum aims to encourage the conservation and sustainable management of red squirrel populations in Wales and effective grey squirrel management to reduce their impact on red squirrel populations, tree and woodland ecosystems and the services they provide, including timber production. In doing so, the Forum aims to co-ordinate, support and provide advice on the implementation of actions of both the Red Squirrel Conservation Plan for Wales(RSCPW) and the Grey Squirrel Management Action Plan (GSMAP).


Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum

The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) was established to bring together statutory and non-statutory organisations as well as representatives of country parks, private landowners and local volunteer organisations dedicated to protecting the red squirrel in Northern Ireland