Go to the Map to see if there is a conservation group or project in your region.
If you live in a red squirrel or reintroduction area:
Contact your local group or project to see how you can get involved. There are always opportunities for volunteering such as monitoring, administration, helping with PR, fundraising and hands-on grey control.
If you are in a grey squirrel only area:
– If you are unable to experience red squirrels in the wild, go to the Map to find a location where you can see this iconic native animal in a captive exhibit.
– If you would like to support red conservation you can choose one of the national bodies for donations or involvement, go to Squirrel organisations
– If you would like to carry out grey control on your own property, advice can be found in the Grey Squirrel Control section.
– Start a community grey control group in your area, contact us for support and information.
– Join an existing grey control project.